Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manual, R7.2
Chapter 4 Cisco Transport Controller Operation
4.4.1 Legal Disclaimer
network for more recent versions of the software. (For more information about the automatic
download of the latest CTC JAR files, see the “4.1.2 CTC Software Installed on the PC or UNIX
Workstation” section on page 4-2.)
The Disable Circuit Management option omits the discovery of circuits. To view circuits
immediately after logging in, make sure that Disable Circuit Management is not checked. However,
if disabled, after you have logged in you can click the Circuits tab and CTC will give you the option
to enable circuit management.
These options are useful if you want to log in to a node to perform a single task, such as placing a card
in or out of service, and do not want to wait while CTC discovers DCC connections and circuits.
4.4.1 Legal Disclaimer
The CTC Login window currently displays the following warning message: “Warning: This system is
restricted to authorized users for business purpose. Unauthorized access is a violation of the law. This
service can be monitored for administrative and security reasons. By proceeding, you consent to this
The ONS 15600 allows a user with Superuser privileges to modify the default login warning message
and save it to a node using the Provisioning > Security > Legal Disclaimer > HTML tab (Figure 4-1).
The login warning message field allows up to 250 characters of text (1600 characters total, including
HTML markup).
Figure 4-1 Legal Disclaimer Tab