Cisco SFS InfiniBand Host Drivers User Guide for Linux
Chapter 6 uDAPL
uDAPL Throughput Test Performance
The Throughput test measures RDMA WRITE throughput using uDAPL. To perform a uDAPL
Throughput test performance, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Start the Throughput test on the server host. The syntax for the server is as follows:
/usr/local/topspin/bin/thru_server.x device_name RDMA_size iterations batch_size
The following example shows how to start the Throughput test on the server host:
host1$ /usr/local/topspin/bin/thru_server.x ib0 262144 500 100
RDMA throughput server started on ib0
• ib0 is the name of the device.
• 262144 is the size in bytes of the RDMA WRITE.
• 500 is the number of RDMAs to perform for the test.
• 100 is the number of RDMAs to perform before waiting for completions.
The server starts and then waits for the client to start.
Step 2 Start the Throughput test on the client. The syntax for the client is as follows:
/usr/local/topspin/bin/thru_client.x device_name server_IP_address RDMA_size
The following example shows how to start the Throughput test on the client:
host2$ /usr/local/topspin/bin/thru_client.x ib0 262144
Server Name:
Server Net Address:
dat_rmr_bind completed!
sending rmr_context = 1b3b78 target_address = 95e3a000 segment_length = 40000
• ib0 is the name of the device.
• is the IPoIB address of the server host.
• 262144 is the size in bytes of the RDMA WRITE.