
Cisco SFS InfiniBand Host Drivers User Guide for Linux
Chapter 6 uDAPL
uDAPL Throughput Test Performance
The Throughput test measures RDMA WRITE throughput using uDAPL. To perform a uDAPL
Throughput test performance, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Start the Throughput test on the server host. The syntax for the server is as follows:
/usr/local/topspin/bin/thru_server.x device_name RDMA_size iterations batch_size
The following example shows how to start the Throughput test on the server host:
host1$ /usr/local/topspin/bin/thru_server.x ib0 262144 500 100
RDMA throughput server started on ib0
ib0 is the name of the device.
262144 is the size in bytes of the RDMA WRITE.
500 is the number of RDMAs to perform for the test.
100 is the number of RDMAs to perform before waiting for completions.
The server starts and then waits for the client to start.
Step 2 Start the Throughput test on the client. The syntax for the client is as follows:
/usr/local/topspin/bin/thru_client.x device_name server_IP_address RDMA_size
The following example shows how to start the Throughput test on the client:
host2$ /usr/local/topspin/bin/thru_client.x ib0 262144
Server Name:
Server Net Address:
dat_rmr_bind completed!
sending rmr_context = 1b3b78 target_address = 95e3a000 segment_length = 40000
ib0 is the name of the device. is the IPoIB address of the server host.
262144 is the size in bytes of the RDMA WRITE.