Cisco VG202, Cisco VG202XM, Cisco VG204, and Cisco VG204XM Voice Gateways Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Your Voice Gateway Using the setup Command
Using the setup Command
Enter hostname [VG]: VG204
The enable secret is a password used to protect access to privileged EXEC and
configuration modes. This password, after entered, becomes encrypted in the configuration.
Step 5 Enter an enable secret password. This password is encrypted (more secure) and cannot be seen when
viewing the configuration:
The enable secret is a password used to protect access to
privileged EXEC and configuration modes. This password, after
entered, becomes encrypted in the configuration.
Enter enable secret: cisco
Step 6 Enter an enable password that is different from the enable secret password. This password is not
encrypted (less secure) and can be seen when viewing the configuration:
The enable password is used when you do not specify an
enable secret password, with some older software versions, and
some boot images.
Enter enable password: cisco
% Please choose a password that is different from the enable secret
Enter enable password: cisco
Step 7 Enter the virtual terminal password, which prevents unauthenticated access to the voice gateway through
ports other than the console port:
The virtual terminal password is used to protect
access to the VG over a network interface.
Enter virtual terminal password: cisco
Configure SNMP Network Management? [yes]: n
Configure IP? [yes]:
Configure RIP routing? [yes]: n
Configure bridging? [no]:
Step 8 Respond to the following prompts as appropriate for your network:
Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/0 interface? [yes]:
Use the 100 Base-TX (RJ-45) connector? [yes]:
Operate in full-duplex mode? [no]:
Configure IP on this interface? [yes]:
IP address for this interface:
Subnet mask for this interface [] :
Class A network is, 24 subnet bits; mask is /24
Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/1 interface? [yes]: n
Would you like to go through AutoSecure configuration? [yes]: n
AutoSecure dialog can be started later using "auto secure" CLI
The following configuration command script was created:
hostname VG-202
enable secret 5 $1$Y0VQ$D8qM6vS3qId.BP3w.GjlE.
enable password cisco
line vty 0 4
password cisco
no snmp-server
ip routing
no bridge 1