Chapter 3
Configuration using the Web-based Utility
Wireless-G Ethernet Bridge
Chapter 3:
Configuration using the
Web-based Utility
The Bridge is designed to function properly after you
configure it using the Setup Wizard. However, if you would
like to change these basic settings or make advanced
configuration changes, use your web browser and the
Wireless-G Ethernet Bridge Web-based Utility. This chapter
explains how to use the Utility.
How to Access the Web-Based Utility
Open your web browser, and enter the IP address 1.
of the Wireless-G Ethernet Bridge (the default is in the browser’s Address field. Then
press Enter.
Internet Explorer Address Bar
The 2. Password screen will appear. In lowercase letters,
enter the default password, admin, in the Password
field. Click OK. You can set a new password on the
Password screen later.
Password Screen
The utility’s Setup screen will appear. The Utility 3.
provides a convenient, web-browser-based way to
alter the Bridge’s settings. It offers five main tabs
Setup • - Enables you to configure the IP address and
wireless settings.
Password • - Allows you to change the password or
reset all settings to factory defaults.
Advanced • - Lets you change the advanced wireless
settings and clone a MAC address onto the Bridge.
Status • - Displays the Bridge’s current settings.
Help • - Provides explanations of various configuration
settings and links to online technical support resources.
You can also upgrade the Bridge’s firmware using the
Help screen.
Setup Tab
The Setup screen lets you configure the wired and wireless
network settings for the Bridge.
Firmware The version number of the Bridge’s firmware is
displayed here. Firmware should be upgraded ONLY if you
experience problems with the Bridge. Firmware updates
are posted at www.linksys.com.
MAC Address
The Bridge’s MAC address is displayed here
Device Name You may assign any name to the Bridge.
Unique, memorable names are helpful, especially if you
are using multiple bridges on the same wireless network.
Configuration Type If the Bridge will obtain an IP
address automatically from a DHCP server, such as a
router, then select Automatic Configuration-DHCP. If
you are assigning the Bridge a static IP address, then select
Static IP Address, and enter an IP Address, Subnet Mask,
and Gateway address in the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and
Gateway fields.
SSID The SSID is the network name shared among all
devices in a wireless network. The SSID must be identical
for all devices in the wireless network. It is case-sensitive
and must not exceed 32 alphanumeric characters (A-Z,
a-z, 0-9; do not use spaces). Make sure this setting is the
same for all devices in your wireless network. For added
security, Linksys recommends that you change the default
SSID (linksys) to a name of your choice.