The device measures the blood pressure of adult only.
The device is not supposed to be used if your wrist has any
wound or injury.
In the event of the cuff pumping up and not stopping, please
open the cuff at once.
To ensure precise measurement reading, recalibration of
the device is recommended after 2 years from the date of
purchase. Shipping plus handling cost and recalibration
service fee shall be charged accordingly.
Limited Warranty
This device is warranted to be free from manufacturing
defects for a period of 1 year from the date of purchase.
Within the warranty period, should there be any
manufacturing defect found and repair is needed, please
contact your local distributor accordingly.
Please note warranty does not cover damage caused by,
including but not limited to: misuse or abuse; accident;
the attachment of any unauthorized accessory; alteration
to the product; improper installation; unauthorized repair
or modi¿cation; improper use of electrical/ power supply;
dropped product; failure to follow required maintenance and
safe-keeping; transportation damage.