
<Dive Time>
This is the total time at a depth of 1 m (4 ft) or more during a single dive.
* Measurement of dive time starts when first going below a depth of 1 m (4 ft), and stops when
depth reaches less than 1 m (4 ft). However, if a dive is resumed to a depth of more than 1 m (4 ft)
within 10 minutes from the time measurement of dive time stopped, dive time is continued to be
measured from the time measurement stopped.
<Time In>
This is the time when the depth exceeds 1 m (4 ft) for the first time during the dive.
<Minimum Water Temperature (Min.w.temp)>
This is the minimum water temperature encountered during the course of a single dive.
<Maximum Depth (Max. Depth)>
This is the depth when having dove the deepest during the course of a single dive.
<Average Depth (Ave. Depth)>
This is the average depth during the course of a single dive.
* This refers to the average value of depth measured for every 5 seconds of dive time.
<Profile Log>
The watch displays a simple graph of the changes in depth during a dive.
* Data relating to depths measured every 5 seconds and water temperature measured every 5
minutes can be confirmed on a personal computer.
<Oxygen Concentration (O2
This refers to the ratio (%) of oxygen in the tank used for diving. During NITROX diving,
always make sure to set the oxygen concentration according to the oxygen concentration
of the tank actually used in the dive plan mode. The oxygen concentration (O
%) can be
set within a range of 22% to 50%.
<Oxygen Toxication>
This refers to a rejection reaction (consisting of symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and
paralysis) that occurs due to the infusion of large amounts of oxygen into the human body.
This condition can be fatal in extreme circumstances.
<Partial Pressure of Oxygen in the Body (PO2)>
The partial pressure of oxygen in the body (PO2) refers to the absolute pressure (ATA) of
oxygen that acts within the body. The partial pressure of oxygen in the body is determined
by the NITROX oxygen concentration and depth, and increases as depth becomes
deeper. In general, the limit at which oxygen toxication occurs in the human body is said
to be PO
2 = 1.6 (ATA). The display of this watch flashes when PO2 is between 1.4 and
1.5, and when PO
2 reaches 1.6 or higher, an alarm sounds to warn the diver.
<Oxygen Toxication Time (OTT)>
Oxygen toxication time (OTT) refers to the limit time of oxygen toxication. The oxygen
toxication time is determined by the NITROX oxygen concentration, depth and dive time.
In this watch, when the amount of time remaining until oxygen toxication time decreases to
less than 10 minutes, the amount of time remaining until OTT flashes on the display, and
when the oxygen toxication time reaches 0 minutes, an alarm sounds to warn the diver.