Each time [ MODE ] is pressed, various functions menus and all argu-
ment values corresponding to the desired mode is shown on the screen.
It includes three calculation modes (COMP, SD, REG), three angle units
(DEG, RAD, GRAD), four display notations (FIX, SCI, NORM, ENG)
and reset function (RESET).
Entering an argument value can set up this calculator to operate as you
want it to. Give “ SD ” as an example :
1. Press [ MODE ] once to display the calculation mode menu.
2. Enter [ 2 ] to let this calculator being operated under standard
deviation mode.
3 2 1
] 2 [
Using “ 2nd ” keys
To execute the functions marked in yellow, please press [ 2nd ] and then
the corresponding key. When you press [ 2nd ], the “ 2nd ” indicator
shown in the display is to tell you that you will be selecting the second
function of the next key you press. If you press [ 2nd ] by mistake, simply
press [ 2nd ] again to remove the “ 2nd ” indicator.
Pressing [] or [] key can move the cursor to the left or the right. Hold
down any of those keys to move the cursor at high speed.
Pressing [ 2nd ] [] or [ 2nd ] [] can scroll the display up or down while
there are previous entries hidden the display. You can reuse or edit a
previous entry when it is on the entry line.
Making corrections during input
To delete a character at the cursor, make the character underlined by
using [] or [] to move the cursor, and then press [ DEL ] to delete the
To replace a character, make the character underlined by using [] or
[] to move the cursor, and then enter a new entry to replace the charac-
To insert a character, move the cursor to the position of the character
where you want to insert, it will be inserted in the front of the character
after pressing [ 2nd ] [ INS ] and entering a new character.
(Note) : The blinking cursor “ ” means the calculator is in insert
mode On the contrary, the blinking cursor is displayed as “_”
and it means the calculator is in overwrite mode.
To clear all characters, clear all input character by [
] key.
Replay function
• This function stores the latest operation executed. After execution is
completed, pressing [ 2nd ] [] or [ 2nd ] [] key will display the opera-
tion from the beginning or the end. You can continue moving the cursor
by [] or [] to edit it. To delete a digit, press [ DEL ]. ( or, in overwrite
mode, just type over the digit). See Example 1.
• The replay function can keep input digits up to 256 characters for
SR-270II. After execution is completed or during entering, you can
press either [2nd ] [] or [2nd ] [] to display previous input steps and
edit values or commands for subsequent execution. See Example 2.
(Note) :The replay function isn cleared even when [
] is pressed
or power is turned off, so contents can be recalled even after
] is pressed.
Error position display function
• When a mathematically illegal calculation is performed, error position
display function will tell you with the cursor where the error is. Press
[] or [] to move the cursor and then give it a correct entry. You can
also clear an error by pressing [
] and then re-entered the values
and expression from the beginning. See Example 3.
Memory calculation
Independent memory
• Press [ M+ ] to add a result to running memory. Press [ 2nd ] [ M– ] to
subtract the value from running memory. To recall the value in running
memory, press [ 2nd ] [ RCL ] [ M ]. To clear running memory, press
[ 0 ] [ STO ] [ M ]. See Example 4.
(Note) : Besides pressing [ STO ] key to store a value, you can also
assign values to memory variable M by [ M+ ] or [ M– ].
Memory variable
• The calculator has nine memory variables for repeated use : A, B, C,
D, E, F, M, X, Y. You can store a real number in any of the nine memory
variables. See Example 5.
* [ STO ] + A ~ F , M , or X ~ Y lets you store values to
* [ 2nd ] [ RCL ] or [ ALPHA ] + A ~ F , M , or X ~ Y
recalls the value of variable.
* [ 0 ] [ STO ] + A ~ F , M , or X ~ Y clears the content to
a specified memory variable.
* [ 2nd ] [ Mcl ] [ = ] clears all variables.