SR-260N_English_090324.rtf SIZE: 135x75mm / SCALE 2:1 / 2009/3/24
(Note) : [ A ], [ B ], [ C ], [ D ], [ E ], [ F ] are 1
functions in HEX mode.
Display symbols
Indicators shown on the display is to indicate you the current status of
the calculator.
DEG or RAD or GRAD : angular unit
M : Independent memory CPLX : Complex number mode
E : Overflow / Error STAT : Statistical mode
─ : minus 2ndF : [2ndF] key pressed
( ) : Parenthesis calculation CP : Precision capability
BIN : Binary mode CPK : Process capability
OCT : Octal mode σ : Deviation
HEX : Hexadecimal mode USL : Setting upper limit
ED : Edit mode LSL : Setting lower limit
HYP : Hyperbolic mode
Display formats
The calculator can display numbers in four formats : floating point,
fixed point, scientific, and engineering.
Floating point display format
The floating point format displays numbers in decimal form, using up
to 10 digits. Any trailing zeros are truncated.
If the result of a calculation is too large to be represented in 10 digits,
the display automatically switches to scientific format. If the result of
later calculations is small enough to be displayed in 10 digits, the
calculator returns to floating point format.
(Ex.) : Set the display in floating display format.
Step: Press [ 2ndF ] [ TAB ] [ ● ]
Fixed point display format
The fixed point, scientific, and engineering formats use a fixed number
of decimal places to display numbers. If more than the selected
number of decimal places is keyed, it will be rounded to the correct
number of decimal places.
(Ex.) : Fix the display at 2 decimal places, then key in 3.256
Step 1: Press [ 2ndF ] [ TAB ] 2
0. 0 0
Step 2: key in 3.256 [ = ]
3. 2 6
On the contrary, if fewer than the selected number of decimal places
is keyed, it will be padded with trailing zero.
(Ex.) : Fix the display at 4 decimal places, then key in 4.23
Step 1: Press [ 2ndF ] [ TAB ] 4