
Technical Services Group ~ 1-800-283-5936 (USA) ~ 1-801-974-3760
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
The GT1524 provides the highest possible audio quality available in a single channel
echo canceller. It features an integrated telephone interface that enables telephone
participants of an audio or video conference to sound as if they are actually in the
same room. Plus, it features simultaneous two-wire/four-wire operation so you can
audio conference and video conference at the same time. And there’s no white noise
setup; the GT1524 adapts automatically.
The GT1524 performs a variety of complex, integrated audio functions using
digital signal processors (DSPs). Adjustments in level and other functions can be
made via front panel programming, activation through a closure on the rear panel,
or an RS-232 serial interface.
The integrated telephone interface provides the GT1524’s audio conferencing
capability and can be customized to suit your needs. It can be set to automatically
answer upon detection of a valid ring and automatically disconnect on loop drop or
call progress tones. The GT1524 includes a built-in five-watt power amp. The amp
delivers 5W of output power into a 4 speaker, eliminating the need to provide
external amps for the speakers.
Easy design, programming, installation, and maintenance.
Each input incorporates automatic gain control to compensate for loud or
soft talkers, while the mic/line input offers high-pass filtering to reduce
unwanted low frequency noise.
Integrated touch-tone dialing for easy dialing through remote control.
ClearOne’s digital signal processing technology ensures crystal-clear audio
with the deepest, most reliable hybrid null.
8kHz sampling rate allows continual adaptation to telephone-line
Acoustic echo cancellation (single channel) >120 ms DSP bases.
Full-time telco echo cancellation with 31 millisecond tail time.
Lockout front panel access for security.
Phoenix push-on blocks make pin-for-pin wiring easier.