
Operation ~ Utilities
Technical Services Group ~ 1-800-283-5936 (USA) ~ 1-801-974-3760
G-Ware Switcher
G-Ware Switcher allows you to alternate between different G-Ware software versions
that are installed on the same PC. Prior to this release, the older version of G-Ware
had to be removed before the new version could be installed. If you want to reinstall
previous versions, you must install them in different directories or G-Ware Switcher
will not work properly. Install the current version last.
To use G-Ware Switcher
1. Launch G-Ware Switcher from the Windows Start menu by selecting
Programs, ClearOne G-Ware, and then G-Ware Switcher.
The G-Ware Switcher Utility Window opens. G-Ware Switcher automatically
searches the PC for G-Ware software versions and displays them in the window.
2. Select the G-Ware version you want to use.
3. If the selected G-Ware version is older than any other version of G-Ware on
the PC, click Re-Register/Make Shortcuts.
4. Click Run. The selected G-Ware version launches. Click Refresh to initiate a
new search for G-Ware versions.
Message Log
The Message Log displays messages indicating successful or unsuccessful site
connection and all errors. This information is displayed automatically. To open the
Message Log, click the Message Log toolbar button or select Message Log from the
Tools menu.
Figure 5.16. G-Ware Switcher
Figure 5.17.
Message Log button
Figure 5.18. Message Log window