Features 2–1
Table 2–1 provides an overview of the AlphaPC 164LX motherboard’s features.
Table 2–1 AlphaPC 164LX Features
Feature Description
Microprocessor Alpha 21164 microprocessor
(64-bit RISC)
Core logic chip 21174 core logic chip, comprising a single control chip that pro-
vides an interface to system memory and the PCI bus
Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM)
32MB to 1GB memory array –- Two banks of 128-bit memory;
168-pin unbuffered SDRAM DIMMs
L1 Icache 8KB, direct-mapped instruction cache on the CPU chip
L1 Dcache 8KB, direct-mapped data cache on the CPU chip
L2 Scache 96KB, three-way, set-associative, write-back unified instruction
and data cache on the CPU chip
L3 backup cache Onboard 2MB, direct-mapped, synchronous SSRAM backup
cache with 128-bit data path
I/O and miscellaneous support 32-bit and 64-bit, 33-MHz PCI
Two 64-bit and two 32-bit PCI expansion slots
PCI/EIDE control (CMD PCI0646)
Intel 82378ZB PCI-to-ISA bridge chip
Two dedicated ISA expansion slots
SMC FDC37C935 combination controller chip provides control
for diskettes, two UARTs with modem control, parallel port, key-
board, mouse, and time-of-year clock
1MB flash ROM
Firmware Alpha SRM Console firmware