
Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/17/99 1:44 AM
File name: Parrot15_RefGuide_final_0810
In North America
To receive the latest information on your Compaq Aero 2100 Series, as
well as special offers on device accessories and software, be sure to
register with Compaq by completing and mailing the Register Now card
included with your Palm-size PC.
Outside of North America
Outside of North America, use the Compaq Info Messenger service to
obtain Internet and e-mail access to the latest software updates and service
documentation for your device.
Once you register with this free service at www.compaq.com/
infomessenger and build your profile(s), Info Messenger searches the
Compaq Web site and collects information specific to your Compaq Aero
2100 Series environment. Info Messenger then sends an e-mail alerting
you when new and/or updated information is available on a Compaq
customized Web page.