
Preface ............................................................ vii
1 Overview
1.1 SNMP Architecture . . ........................................ 1–1
1.2 Request Handling . . . ........................................ 1–2
1.3 TCP/IP Services Components for SNMP . . . ....................... 1–4
1.4 Writing an eSNMP Subagent . . . ................................ 1–5
1.5 The eSNMP API ............................................. 1–6
1.5.1 The SNMP Utilities ....................................... 1–7
1.6 The MIB Compiler . . . ........................................ 1–7
1.7 SNMP Versions ............................................. 1–8
1.7.1 Using Existing (SNMP Version 1) MIB Modules . . ............... 1–8
1.8 For More Information ........................................ 1–9
2 MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services
2.1 Overview of the Host Resources MIB ............................. 2–1
2.1.1 Defining Host Resources MIB Implemented Objects .............. 2–1
2.1.2 Restrictions to Host Resources MIB ........................... 2–3
2.2 Overview of MIB II . . ........................................ 2–5
2.2.1 MIB II Implemented Groups ................................ 2–6
2.2.2 Restrictions to MIB II Implementation . ....................... 2–6
3 Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API
3.1 Creating a MIB Specification . . . ................................ 3–1
3.2 The Structure of Management Information . ....................... 3–1
3.2.1 Assigning Object Identification Codes . . ....................... 3–2
3.2.2 MIB Subtrees ............................................ 3–2
3.3 Creating a MIB Source File .................................... 3–5
3.3.1 Writing the ASN.1 Input File ................................ 3–5
3.3.2 Processing the Input File with the MIB Compiler . ............... 3–5 UNIX Utilities Supplied with TCP/IP Services ............... 3–7 Object Tables . ........................................ 3–7 The subtree_TBL.H Output File ........................... 3–7 The subtree_TBL.C Output Files . . . ....................... 3–9
3.4 Including the Routines and Building the Subagent . . . ............... 3–11
3.5 Including Extension Subagents in the Startup and Shutdown
Procedures . ................................................ 3–12