Example 4–4: Displaying Devices on an AlphaServer 8200 (cont.)
dkf4. DKF4 HSZ70 V70Z
dkf5. DKF5 HSZ70 V70Z
dkf6. DKF6 HSZ70 V70Z
dkf100. DKF100 RZ28M 0568
dkf200. DKF200 RZ28M 0568
dkf300. DKF300 RZ28 442D
polling for units on kzpsa0, slot 2, bus 0, hose1...
kzpsa0. dkg TPwr 1 Fast 1 Bus ID 7 L01 A11
dkg0. DKG0 HSZ50-AX X29Z
dkg1. DKG1 HSZ50-AX X29Z
dkg2. DKG2 HSZ50-AX X29Z
dkg100. DKG100 RZ26N 0568
dkg200. DKG200 RZ28 392A
dkg300. DKG300 RZ26N 0568
polling for units on kzpsa1, slot 3, bus 0, hose1...
kzpsa1. dkh TPwr 1 Fast 1 Bus ID 7 L01 A11
dkh100. DKH100 RZ28 442D
dkh200. DKH200 RZ26 392A
dkh300. DKH300 RZ26L 442D
polling for units on kzpsa2, slot 4, bus 0, hose1...
kzpsa2. dki TPwr 1 Fast 1 Bus ID 7 L01 A10
dki100. DKI100 RZ26 392A
dki200. DKI200 RZ28 442C
dki300. DKI300 RZ26 392A
4.3.3 Displaying Console Environment Variables and Setting the
The following sections show how to use the show console command to display
the pk* and isp* console environment variables, and set the KZPBA-CB
SCSI ID on various AlphaServer systems. Use these examples as guides
for your system.
Note that the console environment variables used for the SCSI options vary
from system to system. Also, a class of environment variables (for example,
pk* or isp*) may show both internal and external options.
Compare the following examples with the devices shown in the show
config and show dev examples to determine which devices are KZPSA-BBs
or KZPBA-CBs on the shared SCSI bus.
4–14 TruCluster Server System Configuration Using UltraSCSI Hardware