
New and Changed Features
This revision of the manual documents the following new features:
Enabling support for enhanced hardware management
Enhanced hardware management (EHM) allows you to modify hardware
attributes, such as the type of LAN device, on either a local or a remote
system. See
Section 3.2 for more information about how a network device
driver uses routines to define and export hardware attributes.
The unattach( ) routine
The unattach( ) routine stops the network device and frees resources
prior to unloading the device driver or powering off the bus to which the
device is attached. See Chapter 7 for more information.
This manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 Describes the sections that make up a
network driver and compares them to
the sections that are associated with
block and character drivers.
Chapter 2 Describes the device register offset
definitions for the if_el device drivers
associated LAN device, the 3Com 3C5x9
series Ethernet adapter.
Chapter 3 Describes how to define a softc data
structure, using the if_eldevice drivers
el_softc structure as an example.
Chapter 4 Describes how to implement a
configure interface, using the if_el
device drivers el_configure()
routine as an example.
Chapter 5 Describes how to implement a probe
interface and associated routines, using
the if_el device drivers el_probe( )
routine as an example.
Chapter 6 Describes how to implement an attach
interface, using the if_el device drivers
el_attach( ) routine as an example.
Chapter 7 Describes how to implement an
unattach( ) routine to stop the device.
About This Manual xiii