COM-2(PC)F vii
List of Tables
Table 2.1. COM Port Support for Various Programming
Languages................................................................. 21
Table 3.1. I/O Address Settings ................................................. 25
Table 3.2. Example Compatible Mode Settings ......................... 27
Table 4.1. Specifications............................................................ 33
Table 6.1. Data Format .............................................................. 40
Table 6.2. Switch and Jumper Settings of Sample Program 1, 2,
and 5......................................................................... 42
Table 6.3. Switch and Jumper Settings of Sample Program 3, 4, 6,
and 10....................................................................... 42
Table 6.4. Switch and Jumper Settings of Sample Program 7 .... 43
Table 6.5. Switch and Jumper Settings of Sample Program 11... 43
Table 6.6. Function Selection through Internal Registers........... 56
Table 6.7. Baud Rate and Divisors............................................. 57
Table 6.8. Number of Times the IN Instruction Must be Executed
for the 2EFh Port after Accessing the LSI................. 58
Table 6.9. NS16550's Register (Short from National
Semiconductor's data book) < 1 / 2 > .................... 62
Table 6.9. NS16550's Register (Short from National
Semiconductor's data book) < 2 / 2 > .................... 63
Table 6.10. Specifications Differences....................................... 64