
Operation (Windows NT)
PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/350 PCI Graphics Controllers 5–5
Locate the pbxgdac.dll file in the list.
This file is found in the %SystemRoot%\system32 directory.
Click once on the file name to highlight it.
From the File Menu, choose Properties.
In the Properties dialog box, choose the Version tab.
The Version dialog box displays driver information, including the version and date.
5.3 Using OpenGL
This section describes the PowerStorm OpenGL display driver, which is designed to
optimize OpenGL performance on Compaq Professional Workstations. This section
includes the following topics:
Using OpenGL Applications, for users running applications developed with OpenGL
Developing OpenGL Applications, for users developing OpenGL applications
For a more comprehensive discussion of the OpenGL interface, refer to the Microsoft
Windows NT OpenGL documentation included in the Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0
Software Developer’s Kit (SDK).
5.3.1 Using OpenGL Applications
In addition to a generic OpenGL display driver, Windows NT OpenGL includes a
mechanism by which OpenGL rendering can be performed by vendor-supplied display
drivers. Compaq provides such an OpenGL display driver in the PowerStorm 300/350
Software product. This driver takes advantage of hardware features that improve
rendering performance and quality, and is used with the PowerStorm 300 AGP or 300/350
PCI graphics controller.
When an application requests a pixel format, Windows NT OpenGL will satisfy the
request with the pixel format that best fits the description. This pixel format can be one of
the following:
A hardware pixel format, supported by the PowerStorm 300/350 OpenGL driver
A software pixel format, supported by the generic Windows NT OpenGL driver
5.3.2 Developing OpenGL Applications on Intel Platforms
This section provides information for developing OpenGL applications that optimize the
performance of PowerStorm 300 AGP graphics controllers on Intel platforms. If you have
a PowerStorm 300/350 PCI graphics controller on a Windows NT Alpha platform, see
Section 5.3.3 instead.