
Technical Reference Guide
Compaq iPAQ Family of Internet Devices
First Edition - March 2000
This system meets the hardware and firmware requirements for being ACPI compliant. The
BIOS function INT 15 AX=E845h can be used to check or set the ACPI enable/disable status of
the system, which defaults to the ACPI enabled state. The setup option for ACPI should be
disabled if APM/PnP is to be used with Windows 98 or when disabling power management and
PnP support for NT5.0. A hardware redetection should be made with Windows 98 and a reinstall
of Windows NT5.0 should be performed when an ACPI switch is made. This system supports
the following ACPI functions:
PM timer
Power button
Power button override
RTC alarm
Sleep/Wake logic (S1, S4 (NT), S5
Legacy/ACPI select
C1 state (Halt)
C2 state (STOPGRANT)
C3 state (no clock)
8.5.3 APM 1.2 SUPPORT
Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS support provides interaction between the BIOS
ROM and the operating system (OS). The BIOS advises the OS when a power state transition
should occur. The OS then notifies the appropriate driver(s) and reports back to the BIOS.
For maximum energy-conservation benefit, APM functionality should be implemented using the
following three layers:
BIOS layer (APM BIOS (ver. 1.2, 1.1, 1.0))
Operating system (OS) layer (APM driver)
Application layer (APM-aware application or device driver)
The process starts with the OS or driver making a connection with the BIOS through an APM
BIOS call. In a DOS environment POWER.EXE makes a Real mode connection. In Windows 3.1
and in Windows 95, a 32-bit connection is made. Currently Windows NT does not make an APM
connection. With power management enabled, inactivity timers are monitored.
When an inactivity timer times out, an SMI is sent to the microprocessor to invoke the SMI
handler. The SMI handler works with the APM driver and APM BIOS to take appropriate action
based on which inactivity timer timed out.