
Using the LPUTILNT Utility/NT 6-7
Compaq Confidential Need to Know Required
Writer: Bill Reitz Project: Compaq StorageWorks 64-Bit PCI-To-Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter User Guide Comments:
Part Number: AA-RKPDA-TE 173941-001 File Name: G-CH6 USING LPUTILNT UTILITY.DOC Last Saved On: 12/8/99 11:01 AM
Modifying Driver Parameters in the
Windows NT Registry
This screen provides information about device driver parameters that are
maintained in the Windows/NT registry and allows those values to be
modified. All available device driver parameters are listed in the data display,
along with the current, minimum, maximum, and default values. Parameters
that have their value specified in the system registry are denoted with either a
G or an L in the left-most column of the screen. The G indicates that the value
is set in the global registry entry, which applies to all HBAs that do not have a
local registry entry. The L indicates that the value is set in a registry entry
specific to the selected HBA, which overrides the value settings in the global
Modifying the Driver Parameters
From the LPUTILNT Utility/NT Main menu screen:
1. Select the desired HBA.
2. Expand the category list and select Driver Parameters.1.
3. Double click on a Parameter Name.
4. Enter the desired value in the New Value field.
5. Select the Permanent or Global checkbox:
Select Permanent to cause the new value to be written to the system
registry. If Permanent is not selected, the parameter reverts to its
default value when the driver is reset.
Select Global to change the global registry entry. Otherwise, the
change is made to the HBA-specific registry entry.