
Documentation Comment Form
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List the document you used by name, number, and edition.
Did the document provide the information needed?
Yes No
Were you able to locate the information in a timely manner?
Yes No
How accurate did you find the information in the document to be?
Very Accurate Accurate Somewhat Accurate Not Accurate
When you need to find information, where is the first place you usually look?
Table of Contents Index Headings Scan the text
Was the index thorough?
Yes No How could it be improved?
If you completed the steps in this document, how easy were they to follow?
Very Easy Easy Somewhat Easy Not Easy
Overall, how helpful did you find the document to be?
Very Helpful Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful
Are there any technical errors in the document you would like to report?
List any additional topics you would like to see covered in the documentation.
Fax to: (972) 454-8905
E-mail to: document.feedback@intervoice.com