7 DA-10242-02-009 — 11.15.2000
Compaq StorageWorks
Enterprise Backup Solution
The EBS BackPaq and EBS ARCPaq are designed to make the EBS for Workgroups even more affordable to the
growing sets of Microsoft NT/2000 and Novell NetWare customers looking for consistent, consolidated, high speed
backup and restoration. Compaq has partnered with VERITAS Software and Computer Associates to provide five
server licenses packed with Compaq’s Storage Hub 7 and Modular Data Router. This bundle, plus a Compaq DLT or
AIT library, and five Fibre Channel PCI adapters, , is a complete EBS for Workgroups solution. The combination of
these components and the EBS bundle is equivalent in price to external tape drives attached to five ProLiant servers.
The benefits that the EBS BackPaq/ARCPaq solution offers are centralization, automation, performance, scalability,
deployment over longer distances, Fibre Channel infrastructure for future enhancements, and investment protection
for the same price as direct SCSI attach tape drives. EBS BackPaq also allow NT/2000 and NetWare servers on the
same loop to share the tape device.
EBS SANPaq with VERITAS Backup Exec and EBS SANPaq with Computer Associates ARCserve bring the low cost
affordability that the EBS BackPaq introduced to departmental customers. The SANPaqs include a Fibre Channel
SAN Switch 8-EL, Modular Data Router and software licenses and media for five Windows NT/2000 and/or NetWare
servers. With the low cost switch included in the SANPaq, customers can integrate their Compaq MA6000, MA8000
and/or EMA12000 onto the same Fibre Channel fabric as their Fibre Channel backup solution. Five Fibre Channel
PCI adapters, a Compaq DLT or AIT library, will complete this solution.
EBS SANPaq with VERITAS Backup Exec
EBS for Departments
SANPaq with VERITAS Backup Exec is a bundled configuration of the Fibre Channel SAN Switch 8-EL, Modular Data
Router and VERITAS Backup Exec and Shared Storage Option licenses for five Windows NT/2000 and/or NetWare
EBS SANPaq with Computer Associates ARCserve
EBS for Departments
SANPaq with Computer Associates ARCserve is a bundled configuration of the Fibre Channel SAN Switch 8-EL,
Modular Data Router and Computer Associates ARCserve and SAN Option licenses for five Windows NT/2000 or
NetWare servers.
EBS BackPaq with VERITAS
EBS for Workgroups
EBS BackPaq is a bundled configuration of the Hub7, Modular Data Router and VERITAS Backup Exec and Shared
Storage Option licenses for five Windows NT/2000 and/or NetWare servers.
EBS ARCPaq with Computer Associates
EBS for Workgroups
EBS ARCPaq is a bundled configuration of the Hub7, Modular Data Router and Computer Associates ARCserve and
SAN Option licenses for five Windows NT/2000 or NetWare servers.