Standard : 27KB
High : 31KB
Superior : 35KB
To change this, simply use the arrow keys on the DVR which also
represent the channel 1-4 keys (These are the top four buttons). Use the
up and down arrow keys to make your selection.
¾ CH: This field represents the camera channels 1 through 4.
¾ OP: This field is to set the option of turning motion on or off. If OP is
turned on the DVR will respond by recording when motion occurs. If OP
is turned off the DVR will not record when motion occurs. To change
this, simply use the arrow keys on the DVR which also represent the
channel 1-4 keys (These are the top four buttons). Use the up and down
arrow keys to make your selection.
¾ SEN: This entry signifies the sensitivity to pick up motion for each camera.
There are four different sensitivity levels that can be used, High, Standard,
Basic, Low. The default setting is standard. To change this, simply use the
arrow keys on the DVR which also represent the channel 1-4 keys (These
are the top four buttons). Use the up and down arrow keys to make your
¾ Manual Edit: This field represents manual editing of each camera for
motion. To change this, simply use the arrow keys on the DVR which also
represent the channel 1-4 keys (These are the top four buttons). Use the
up and down arrow keys to make your selection. Once you have chosen
the channel you would like to manually edit, press the ENTER button.
This will bring you to a new screen.