CHUCKKEY " ", a ",P,* PJ_, ,,n,] h _ .r'v _,",
a(f(_rl %tlf,,,_n_;*_llot P $ _lrl ,pt'_th, Iv e ] laP, _ j W
BELTTENSlON rn,,,_.,,..,_ I ,, A,.,., ., , , '_
DRILLING SPEED ! ,,,, r,, h.|"i},KJ _ rl V[, (|i IP ] '_p
$ f |tp#j ,_ f,j: * l,_. * ft
, ! • ,] h j W , t _ ,
,_*,r,t_. 4 +, + #, ,- _ '
_'f v'.
p,P( P
{) ',_ tp,
W.lh Ihp %W,t(. _ (JFr t:r,rg th(- _', !',v_' .,'_' 'h_
TIP i_'a(_'+)',the T_.IP O* thp WO_KPlE (-E
) AdjuSt lhp nuT_ %0 thp P,a,rlle, ,_ _.Pl ' thp ,I_"5" _" 1
D_" pT_-I T I(JHT [ N thp t jPpI: l_ I'_uT aq,], _ th_
_np,n('h d(-'Pp _pT lhp _j(_,rltf _ a t thp r_p n, h _1,_
basic drill press operation
,_*i_._ IP._. I._,, ..% _q rl ,ft,, f . % f. ,, , ,[ip%t_,rll i y,, ;, J_ ,
[ "_ ._. _ "_f't _t, t• l_*.,_l .i,% a t% i_ ! _r _1,n,t_ ZI. thl ,N_,,
h _r_,T _ l_,'N, Ir,_ r, j.y
WARNING Fo_ your own safely always observe
the safety pracauhons here and on pages 2 3 and 4
Prntechon Eyes. Hands. Face. Ears and Body
WARNING To avoid bemg pulled mid the spa-
rang IDOl -
1 Do NOT wear
-- gloves
- neckhe
- loose c!ofhmg
- lewelry
2 Tee back long hair
i_ ), v _ t _t # f, ,,je *., _ * , ,1 _,] t,, t I,arlt
i • I_ t v ],'_ _* , tt , _ _,_ , , I . I _'
['* ' It '"_ " "* 1 I t, V • ' _ _t + I I'_' r I' l i'! "
• h_) v I I _ ,_rd, 1, I tt,+_ 1, ._, , .it _,, r I*TI,t | trh_
T • 1, '_ ,i,d, _ If '_ l I 't" th, ,i'_rl t _ *hr, [,,,r.
,, I_#ld%t r,_] %_ ' ,14} f|.,,%,_ ,_, _f .] e,l'
¢,,,j_ k,ar_{J_, ",p,_l,_q ,d lh_. t'., %h,ltT*,r,nq the.
A ¢,,IV_ ID{},'t, ,' _}A('K(Jt ) MATE RIAt .j%p
Wh_•nc_vl'r [}{)(,%'_ ,' |)(_%lt,or _ the WOFIK
PI_ ('E t(_(intcl( t thP,_'ff 5'1P Of Ihp(i)=umn
,f ,f ,% fOu %P _rT or Thp lab,p ,%hlted (,lamD
%(;h,, ytothetablP U%pfab 1_ %lOt%O*(,amp
"_q Pdgf' afok'n'J thl_. OUt_.,rt_ _dqp _)l the
A t'"'r'P_% VII _ m,j_l rl'_;ly%be laMer,pal
t, thp tab p
NPvp' pprlr)rr_ any O['P'al,(m FFI[[
HAI_ID lhand h,),t,n O Wo'wp,p_ p '4thP"
than '_uppoa,rq ,t _'n the, T_]t)pl _ix{.ppt
_r u'_, v t)rW H, ,ad _In_'_S J!Dl_wlrtt(>(:r)._,_r_
TaI),P Arm t(_ %_jpix_rf in(_ T,lhp T(j "L]bI_
A,m _)f.f,)rr,_)pp,at,p _ ,:,,, [l'_'_
l'_Jv_'r mr)vp thp H_.1"i , Tal_ f, _h,,_ Th_
_,_orp _,T,Ir*,'_itt,p _)[jr"1*,,>'_ i 'qlh_' r_ t,jr
._'l' h T(_r'fl_)kp%Llr_r_thp "It, ,''_fhl.r• j_f,n,]
t ,(p ti£;_.') r)(;Ih,:Iv_•¢c.)r_p%%, _) '_ar1_11jt,,*_r)_
{_,_,,IJr, _|h%P V'br_i_,[)_'
I_ _I _ )_k_,_r r_ ',_*"h_Inr_ rh_• _ I_ _ ,jzh
tt'_ i,lt)P _' I r,,.,_J_ a,a_ •.1'y _t_l,|l,'_
U _' T'x_ur_ f ,' ,Jr_ ¸ _1, ,;_)f,,,l_¸ _r_, t
•1(T_"u 3tPtv h,,_1 q j,rt_',Ir_,_lJtl.,t,_if__,'w
' ttl_ %|)_r ,#,r _*[]_r,lti,lr" ii1(J _.•,kk,, _,
rt1,1h r.4 _ h_'( k Ttf, lJ.irlr ,,n tl'_ 6 #t • I_'
If lhl_ hi' |(i #( r ,h' ,r'I r_, ,,Inr,r{_,,,r,_,I'
; N_v_ ' (,,rob ,;r, lhp d',, pr_,,. I It'_ ,r ,(Jui_
,; Turf • thp moTO_ _w,h.h Of _ ar_T plat A_a, The,
c.._,,hh K_'¥ whpn IPdv,n( I th*_ (l_ l_',' '.
h TI) IvOi(ilnlur v #rOmth'()_n W_rkr:' • _r}I('or_ ,lit
_I(_NOT pPlformdav'{_ul ,l_pm_ V ' _,PTU[IV_{)rk
,it,ThP lab,P Wh,'P Thp (utt,nq Io( ,_, _)lat,n_
2 Use only accessories dealgnl_ for this drill
press to avoid lerlous injury from thrown broken
paris or work pieces
a Ho,e_,awsmu_/NEVER hP npP,aTed or_th,s d,,
pr_,S at a '.l_Pd g_eatP, than 400 FIPM
b Drum _andP_, mu',l NEVER he op_',ate,t or' m,,,
d.u WPS_ at a SpC'PO g_Pate_ than 1800 FIPM
(. DO not ,nsta,I o r us,_" any d,_h lha_ excped5 7 ,n
_en(.Jth O_ Pxlends b below the r hu_ k :aw {, T hey
can suddenly bPnd outward o_ b_eak
d DO not u_e w,_e whPe% router bITS shaper ( ut
IP_S c_'rlp rfly) (U_IP_S Or rotary planpt% 0'_ lhe
dr,_ pr ec,_.
:jFilPPlN( _ ,)Ithp [:ttU(:K JAW _) RIp I.I_'_ ,I'P
aDP_o_ 1 ,n h;nq Whpn Li_,,r_ga %m.I h,t',' .l(_n_)t r;sp,t
_t '_U far thal lhp lrl_% tout h lhP hutPC_ ,_,1,,,,1 q' _'vP (,
_)f th_ d ,tl
Mawr. %urP _h_lt flip _,,J -_, t [ NT| F_E() ,,' th* h,,
hpt_,rp t.ght_.._.nq the. (hl)_ k Vv.Th Th_ kJ. v
T._htpn thp Tr, %u#f_( pnf,,¢ _,(, *'l,|t T 't _', " _t _L*p
wh,_n dry' ,n,_
,',HUt: K _fv
jAWS _ Iv"