
Referencing And Leveling Across Two Adjacent Surfaces
The Palm Grip Laser Level can be used to align a single object or objects on
two adjacent walls,, The All-Position Leveling Base has a magnetic bottom that will
attach to virtually any steel surface° The laser has a broad range of apptications,
such as aligning tile on the wall, lining up kitchen and bath cabinets, hanging
wallpaper, aligning junction boxes and laying walt or floor tile,,The Palm Grip
Laser Level's laser fan beam isalso useful when working with two adjacent surfaces_
Fig. 13 illustratesthe use of the laser fan beam in aligning pictures on two oppos-
ing walls,, Keep in mind that the bubbles of Y-Vial and Z-Vial should be adjusted
so the bubbles are in the center of each vial,,
Fig. 13
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