ii ii i i i t ii i
c. uazaxm
, ; : ,, ........i -_:---:- follow the instructions. The basic carburetor settings _
[ AkWARNING ........ / are provided in the event they are required.
] Make_adjustmentswi'thtbedriveshaft_,:/ '_....... Turn the Low Speed Mixture Screw and the:High"
ing supported to prevent the mane or trtmmer nne. " .... -
.... I. .... . . .... ,.., ......... ,_.._.._,,^_._;[ Speed Mixture Screw clockwtse untd they stop.
itromcomactmganyoojoet.rtotometomwzmyuurnmm,[ t3_, ,.,m t,,_, th .... _,,,_ until thin, are tieht as
]do not use theoptional shoulder strap for support. [ damage to'theneedle+seatscan occur, v" *"
_IbWAIII_ING b. Turn the Low Speed Mixture and High Speed Mix-
' ture Sct:ews one full turn counterclockwise.
Keep others away when making carburetor
• :: c. Follow instructions "a. Preparation,' through "f.
adjustments. High Speed Mixture Adjustment.,
Serious injury to the operator and others can occurifthe
carburetor is not properly adjusted.:
• Poor engine performance can be a result of other
causes such as dirty air: filter, carbon build-up
on muffler outlets, etc. See "Trouble Shooting
Chart" before proceeding' with carburetor ...... :
:adjustments. ::
$ The carburetor has been carefully adjusted at the *:+
factory. However, the operator must be sure that
• : adjustments are made when any of the'conditions
occur as mentioned in "Trouble Shooting Sugges-
tions" below.
• Very small adjustments can affect engine perfor-
mance. It is important to turn the screw a very small
amount _per adjustment and test performance before
making further adjustments. Each adjustment should
be no more than the width oflhe slot in the adjusting
• This is a complicated task. It is important to follow
instructions in sequence as indicated.
-- Engine will not continue to run at idle position.
See "b" Idle Speed Adjustment" and "e. Low
Speed Mixture Adjustment:'
_ Blade or Trimmer Head continues to spin when
the engine idles. See"b. Idle Speed Adjustment"
and "d. Deceleration Check:'
-- Engine dies or hesitates when it should accelerate.
See "c. Acceleration Check"
-- Ia3ssofcutting power which cannot be corrected
by cleaning the air f'dter. See "f. High Speed Mix-
ture Adjustment"
-- Engine does not return to idle from full throttle
within 2 seconds, See "d, Deceleration Check"
--Engine will not run. See "Trouble Shooting
Chart" Then, if'the carburetor requires adjust-.
ment, begin with"2. Basic Carburetor Settings:'
&WAaSISG ......I
The Blade or trimmer line will be spinning-dii-l:irig
most of this procedure. Wearyour protective equipment
.__d°bse_e all safety instru_ction.s. .....
NOTE: In most cases, your engine can be made to
run properly with minor carburetor adjusunents.
l_fer to "Trouble Shooting Suggestions" in the left
column for the condition you are experiencingand
i.) Use a fresh fuel mix. See "Fueling Your Engine:' +
2. iMake sure line extends tOthe length allowed by line
limiter to provide'correct load on engine.
3.)Start the engine. Cut grass for 3 minutes to warm
engine. The engine must be at operating temper-
ature before carbt_retor adjustments can be per-
formed correctly ,
4. )Stop engine and remove air filter by pulling it out
with your fingers. Refer to "Specifications" for
l.)Ailow engine to idle.
2.)Adjust Idle - Speed Screw until the:: engine
continues to run •without stalling and .__
without the trimmer head moving.
-- Turnsc-_ clockwise to increase engine speed +
if the engine stalls or dies.
-- Turn screw counterclockwise to slow engine
down and/or to keep blade or trimmer head
from turning.
3.)Follow instructions]n "c. Acceleration Check'"
and "d. Deceleration Check"
4.)N 9 furthei" adjustments are necessary if the
trimmer head does not turn at idle speed and
L if performance is satisfactory.
Recheck idle speed after each adjustment. The blade or
trimmer head must not turn at idle speed to avoid serious
injury to the operator and others.
i.)Allow engine to idle.
2,)$qu©cz¢ Trisger fully
a. If performance hsatisfactory, proceed to "d.
Deceleration Check."
b. If the engine does not accelerate smoothly,
tum_e _LowSpeed MixtureScrew counter-
clockwise a small amount (no more, thanthe
width of the slot in the adjusting screw).
3.)Repeat step "2.)" until smooth acceleration is
NOTE: It may be necessary to repeat "b. Idle
Speed Adjustment" through "'c. Acceleration
Check :' to obtain correct adjustments.
<) Follow instructions in "d. Deceleration Check .'"