3. Youreceivea20oz.containerofoil
oilfill spout into the engine.
4. Wait one minute to allow oil to settle.
Insert and tighten dipstick, then
remove it to check oil level.
5. Continue adding small amounts of oil
and rechecking the dipstick until it
reads full, DO NOT overfill, or engine
will smoke on startup.
6. Always be sure to retighten oil dipstick
before starting engine.
• Checkoillevelbeforeeachuse.Add oilif
needed. Fil to UI lineondipsf_ck.
• Change the oilafterevery 25 hoursof
opere'&_noreach season. You may need
tochangeIheoil moreoftenunderdusty,
• Fillfueltank.Use fresh,dean,regular
unleadedgasoine with a minimumof 87
octane. Donot mix oilwithgasoline.
Purchasefuel inquantitiesthatcan be
usedwithin30 daysto assurefual
_;iLWARNING: Expedence indicates that
alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol or
using ethanol or methanol) can attract
moisture which leads to separation and
formation ofacids during storage. Acidic
gas can damage the fuel system of an
engine while in storage. To avoid engine
problems, the fuel system should be
emptied before storage of 30 days or
longer. Drain the gas tank, start the
engine and let it run until the fuel lines
and carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuel
next season, See Storage Instructionsfor
additional information. Never use engine
or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel
tank or permanent damage may occur.
A CAUTION: Fillto bottomof gas tank
fillerneck. Do not overfill. Wipe offany
spilled oilor fuel. Do not store, spillor
use gasoline near an open flame.
1. Tostarta coldongiea, push_mer three
(3)flmes heforelf_ing tostart. Usea fin_
push. Thisstepisnotusually necessary
when staringan enginewhichhas
alreadyrunfora few minutes.
2. Movethrottle con_oflevertotast position.
3. Hold upperhandlefirmlyand pul starter
handlequickly. Donotallowstarterrope
toscap bask.
• To stopengine,movethrottlecontrollever
tostep position.
NOTE: In eaoler weather itmay be
necessary to repeat pdmingsteps. In
warmer weather overpdmingmay cause
floodingand engine will not start. If you
do flood engine, wait a few minutes
before attempting to start and do not
repeat primingsteps, __1_/_
Throttle \\ _"
• Set the throttle controlinthe fast
position, If the weeds or grass are tall
and thick, operate the trimmerat a
slower walking speed.
• Frequentlyclean the undersideofthe
tdmmer toremove any grass buildup.
Keep top of enginearound starterdear
and dean of grassclippingsand chaff,
This will help engine air flow and extend
engine lIfe.See =TOREMOVE ENGINE
COVER" in the Maintenance section of
this manual.
• For best results and longer lasting line,
use the ends of the line to do the cutting.
This iseasily done by moving slowly
through very thick and heavy weeds.
• Use the left side of tdmmerwhan
tdmmingalong fences, walls, flowerbeds
and other such objects.
• Iftrimmerlioes heeame tea short,it will
take longerto completethe job. If
tdmmer linesare wornto lessthan half
their originallength,they should be
LINE" in the Maintenancesectionof this
• Trimmer head contact withconcrete,
asphalt or otherhard surfacesmay
cause premature wear ofthe ballon .
bottomof trimmerhead.