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ThliS_Dust!i¢olie_ion System i!s designed to be corn elecffiCai parts, do not operate this Dust Collection
netted directly t0:thewoodwOrking machines. Pieasel System in!areas with flammable vapors such as
useoniythel_artS provided for maximum effJctency: ilghterl fluld, cleaners, oil-base paints, gasoline,
4!!IDiameterx :_4)" Hose_ PVC Vulcanized rubbe_ alcohol or explosive dust such as coal, magnesium,
with wire reinforcement and 2- 4'_clamps_ grain or gun powder in the air. Do not vacuum
• i•• • _I ii _-_ • '• ' •
Bandsaws: Belt and Disk Sanders: arid Radial
Saw Sawdust Collector,
_ WARNING: To avoid fire or explosion caused
bythe Igniting of vapors or dust dueto the arcing of
ii i roll
4" Diameter Hose/Clamp Assembly and Adapter
explosive dust, flammable or combustible Itquids or
hot ashes. To avoid health hazards from vapors or
dusts, do not use near toxic materials. To avoid
electrical shock, do rtot expose to rain. Store in-
doors. Unplug power cord before changing, clean-
ing, or emptying the filter/dust bag or chip bag.
S. \ i
1. Open Clamp and insert Hose, by slipping Clamp
over Hose. Attach to Inlet Guard and tighten
Clamp with a straight blade screwdriver. Use this
same process to Connedt Adapter. Tighten both
Clamps securely to increase air velocity and
reduce leakage, The Adapter will permit easy dis-
_ CAUTION: To avoid fire, use only lhe hose and
adaptor designed for this unit. The adapter is de-
signed to fltonlyto the hose. Do not attach itdirectly
toany other Inlet opening.
_t_ CAUTION: if connected to a circuit protected
by fuses, use time delay fuses with this appliance.
1. Prior to connecting your Dust Collection System to
any power source, be sure your bags are installed
properly. This will remove any possibilityof dust flying
in your face.
2. The motoronyour Dust Collection System iswired for
1120volts, single phase power system. Make sure the
motor rating agrees with the electrical system it is to
be connected to.
3. Too manymachines onone circuit willblow fuses. Be
careful not to ovedoadcircuit,