TV Settings
This section is used to specify if your Audio Server is
congured for PAL or NTSC use.
You may need to edit this setting if the television user
interface is either not displayed on your televsion screen,
or is displayed incorrectly.
User Interface Settings
The options on this menu allow you to change the
language of the television user interface and also to
switch the mode between Active and Passive.
Choose between English (the default), French, Spanish,
German and Italian as the language used in the televsion
user interface.
Note: The language of the front panel user interface
cannot be changed.
By default, your Audio Server wil be in Passive mode;
changing to Active will add icons to the interface
depicting the available options on each screen.
System Information
The System Information screen displays the serial number
of your Audio Server and also the software version
currently running.
You may need to quote this information if you contact
your dealer or installer for technical support.
On this screen there is a also a Reset System option
available by pressing the
key on the remote control.
Select this option and press the
Reset Defaults key to
return your Audio Server to its default factory settings.
You can also choose the
Clear Content option to
remove all the music from your Audio Library.
If you choose to clear all the content from your Audio
Library you will be asked to enter a password to conrm
your action. The password is ResetMyMusic.
Note: If you perform either of the above two actions,
you will not be able to reverse their effects.
Software Update Settings
In the unlikely event that a software update attempt
fails, you may need to amend these settings. If this
scenario arises, contact your dealer or installer for more