
Document #: 001-44109 Rev. *B Page 21 of 32
Alarm - Seconds
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
M 10s Alarm Seconds Alarm Seconds
Contains the alarm value for the seconds and the mask bit to select or deselect the seconds’ value.
M Match. When this bit is set to 0, the seconds value is used in the alarm match. Setting this bit to 1 causes the match
circuit to ignore the seconds value.
Time Keeping - Centuries
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
10s Centuries Centuries
Contains the BCD value of centuries. Lower nibble contains the lower digit and operates from 0 to 9; upper nibble
contains the upper digit and operates from 0 to 9. The range for the register is 0-99 centuries.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
WDF Watchdog Timer Flag. This read only bit is set to 1 when the watchdog timer is allowed to reach 0 without being reset
by the user. It is cleared to 0 when the Flags register is read or on power up
AF Alarm Flag. This read only bit is set to 1 when the time and date match the values stored in the alarm registers with the
match bits = 0. It is cleared when the Flags register is read or on power up.
PF Power Fail Flag. This read only bit is set to 1 when power falls below the power fail threshold V
. It is cleared to
0 when the Flags register is read or on power up.
OSCF Oscillator Fail Flag. Set to 1 on power up if the oscillator is enabled and not running in the first 5 ms of operation. This
indicates that RTC backup power failed and clock value is no longer valid. This bit survives power cycle and is never
cleared internally by the chip. The user must check for this condition and write '0' to clear this flag.
CAL Calibration Mode. When set to 1, a 512 Hz square wave is output on the INT pin. When set to 0, the INT pin resumes
normal operation. This bit defaults to 0 (disabled) on power up.
W Write Enable: Setting the W bit to 1 freezes updates of the RTC registers. The user can then write to RTC registers,
Alarm registers, Calibration register, Interrupt register and Flags register. Setting the W bit to 0 causes the contents of
the RTC registers to be transferred to the time keeping counters if the time has been changed (a new base time is
loaded). This bit defaults to 0 on power up.
R Read Enable: Setting R bit to 1, stops clock updates to user RTC registers so that clock updates are not seen during
the reading process. Set R bit to 0 to resume clock updates to the holding register. Setting this bit does not require W
bit to be set to 1. This bit defaults to 0 on power up.
Table 10. Register Map Detail (continued)
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