
June 3, 2004 Document No. 38-12009 Rev. *E 7
CY8C22x13 Final Data Sheet PSoC™ Overview
Document Conventions
Acronyms Used
The following table lists the acronyms that are used in this doc-
Units of Measure
A units of measure table is located in the Electrical Specifica-
tions section. Table 3-1 on page 13 lists all the abbreviations
used to measure the PSoC devices.
Numeric Naming
Hexidecimal numbers are represented with all letters in upper-
case with an appended lowercase ‘h’ (for example, ‘14h’ or
‘3Ah’). Hexidecimal numbers may also be represented by a ‘0x’
prefix, the C coding convention. Binary numbers have an
appended lowercase ‘b’ (e.g., 01010100b’ or ‘01000011b’).
Numbers not indicated by an ‘h’ or ‘b’ are decimal.
Table of Contents
For an in depth discussion and more information on your PSoC
device, obtain the PSoC Mixed Signal Array Technical Refer-
ence Manual. This document encompasses and is organized
into the following chapters and sections.
1. Pin Information ............................................................. 8
1.1 Pinouts ................................................................... 8
1.1.1 8-Pin Part Pinout ...................................... 8
1.1.2 20-Pin Part Pinout ..................................... 8
1.1.3 32-Pin Part Pinout ..................................... 9
2. Register Reference ..................................................... 10
2.1 Register Conventions ........................................... 10
2.1.1 Abbreviations Used .................................. 10
2.2 Register Mapping Tables ..................................... 10
3. Electrical Specifications ............................................ 13
3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................... 14
3.2 Operating Temperature ...................................... 14
3.3 DC Electrical Characteristics ................................ 15
3.3.1 DC Chip-Level Specifications ................... 15
3.3.2 DC General Purpose IO Specifications .... 15
3.3.3 DC Operational Amplifier Specifications ... 16
3.3.4 DC Analog Output Buffer Specifications ... 18
3.3.5 DC Analog Reference Specifications ....... 19
3.3.6 DC Analog PSoC Block Specifications ..... 19
3.3.7 DC POR and LVD Specifications ............. 20
3.3.8 DC Programming Specifications ............... 21
3.4 AC Electrical Characteristics ................................ 22
3.4.1 AC Chip-Level Specifications ................... 22
3.4.2 AC General Purpose IO Specifications .... 24
3.4.3 AC Operational Amplifier Specifications ... 25
3.4.4 AC Digital Block Specifications ................. 27
3.4.5 AC Analog Output Buffer Specifications ... 28
3.4.6 AC External Clock Specifications ............. 29
3.4.7 AC Programming Specifications ............... 29
3.4.8 AC I2C Specifications ............................... 30
4. Packaging Information ............................................... 31
4.1 Packaging Dimensions ......................................... 31
4.2 Thermal Impedances .......................................... 34
4.3 Capacitance on Crystal Pins ............................... 34
5. Ordering Information .................................................. 35
5.1 Ordering Code Definitions ................................... 35
6. Sales and Company Information ............................... 36
6.1 Revision History .................................................. 36
6.2 Copyrights ............................................................ 36
Acronym Description
AC alternating current
ADC analog-to-digital converter
API application programming interface
CPU central processing unit
CT continuous time
DAC digital-to-analog converter
DC direct current
EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
FSR full scale range
GPIO general purpose IO
IO input/output
IPOR imprecise power on reset
LSb least-significant bit
LVD low voltage detect
MSb most-significant bit
PC program counter
POR power on reset
PPOR precision power on reset
PSoC™ Programmable System-on-Chip
PWM pulse width modulator
RAM random access memory
ROM read only memory
SC switched capacitor
SMP switch mode pump
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