
User’s Guide for ImageCard® Select™ and UltraGrafix® Select™ Printers
NTT character set
The maximum field length for NTT (Nippon Telephone & Telegraph) format is 69
characters. NTT allows spaces, numeric characters, upper case alphabetic
characters, lower case alphabetic characters, and special characters. From a PC
running Japanese Windows NT 4.0 or Japanese Windows 98, NTT supports 55
Katakana characters.
The special characters include:
!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[ ]^_`{|}~
and the following Japanese-language special characters: (Japanese Windows NT
The 55 Katakana characters include the following 45 Katakana characters:
and the following 10 Katakana characters:
Each time you start using Japanese-language characters, or stop using them, the
driver adds a hidden character. Each hidden character reduces, by one, the number
of characters you can encode.