
Compact Refrigerators and Freezers Service and Installation Manual
For customer service, call (800) 733-8829, (800) 773-8821, Fax (989) 773-3210, www.delfield.com
Standard Labor Guidelines To Repair Or Replace Parts On Delfield Equipment
Advice and recommendations given by Delfield Service Technicians do not constitute or guarantee any special coverage.
•Amaximumof1-hourisallowedtodiagnose a defective component.
•Amaximumof1-hourisallowedforretrieval of parts not in stock.
•Amaximumtravel distance of 100 miles round trip and 2-hours will be reimbursed.
correcting and end-user installation error will not be reimbursed under warranty unless pre-approved with a Service Work
Authorization from Delfield. You must submit the number with the service claim.
Labor Of 1-Hour Is Allowed To Replace:
•Thermostat • Contractor/Relay
•InfiniteSwitch • Transformer
•DoorJamSwitch • Evaporator/CondenserFanMotorandBlade
•SolenoidCoil • CirculatingFanMotorandBlade
•Hi-limit/ThermalProtectorSwitch • MicroprocessorControl
•FanDelay/DefrostTerminationSwitch • WaterLevelSensor/Probe
•CompressorStartComponentsandOverloadProtector • DoorHinges,Locks,andGaskets
•DefrostTimer • CondensateElement
•Thermometer • Springs/Lowerator
Labor Of 2 Hours To Replace:
•DefrostElement • PressureControl
•HeatingElement • SolenoidValve
Labor Of 3 Hours To Replace:
•EPRorCPRValve • CondenserorEvaporatorCoil
Labor Of 4 Hours To Replace:
This includes recovery of refrigerant and leak check.
$55.00 maximum reimbursement for refrigerant recovery (includes recovery machine, pump, torch, oil, flux, minor fittings,
solder, brazing rod, nitrogen, or similar fees.)