
Code 4–4–1
Cause Serial or parallel port test failure
Code 4–4–2
Cause Failure to decompress code to shadowed memory
Code 4–4–3
Cause Math coprocessor test failure
Code 4–4–4
Cause Cache test failure
Error Messages
Address mark not found
Description The BIOS found a faulty disk sector or could not find a particular disk sector.
Alert! Previous attempts at booting this system have failed at checkpoint [nnnn]. For help
in resolving this problem, please note this checkpoint and contact Dell Technical Support.
Description The computer failed to complete the boot routine three consecutive times for the same error.
Contact Dell and report the checkpoint code (nnnn) to the support technician
Alert! Security override Jumper is installed.
Description The MFG_MODE jumper has been set and AMT Management features are disabled until it is
Attachment failed to respond
Description The floppy or hard drive controller cannot send data to the associated drive.
Bad command or file name
Description Ensure that you have spelled the command correctly, put spaces in the proper place, and used
the correct pathname.
Bad error-correction code (ECC) on disk read
Description The floppy or hard drive controller detected an uncorrectable read error.