A-4 Dell Precision 610 Mini Tower Systems Service Manual
CPU ID(s) CPU ID(s) provides the manufacturer’s identifi-
cation code for the installed processor(s).
Integrated Devices Configures the devices integrated into the sys-
tem board.
System Security Displays the current status of your system’s
password security feature and allows you to
assign and verify a new password.
Keyboard NumLock Determines whether the system boots with
the keyboard’s Num Lock mode activated.
Report Keyboard Errors Enables or disables reporting of keyboard
errors during POST.
Auto Power On Allows you to set the day and time you want
the system to power on automatically. The
time uses the 24-hour format.
Wakeup On LAN Wakeup On LAN determines whether the
Wakeup On LAN feature is set to Off, On, or
On (Integrated NIC). You must reboot your sys-
tem before a change takes effect.
With the
Power Management option
enabled, DPMS monitors and most EIDE
drives automatically switch into low-power
mode during periods of system inactivity.
NOTE: Not all EIDE hard-disk drives support
this feature. Enabling this feature for a drive
that does not support it may cause the EIDE
drive to become inoperable until the system is
restarted and the Power Management option
is disabled.
ACPI ACPI controls the Advanced Configuration and
Power Interface. When ACPI is toggled Off,
pressing the power button turns the system
completely off. When ACPI is not activated
(Off), IRQ 9 is available for use by expansion