116 Device Security
Step 1: Create an ACL and Define an ACL Rule
This command creates an ACL named list1 and configures a rule for the ACL. After the mask has been
applied, it permits packets carrying TCP traffic that matches the specified Source IP address, and sends
these packets to the specified Destination IP address.
console(config)#access-list list1 permit tcp
Step 2: Define the Second Rule for ACL 179
Define the rule to set similar conditions for UDP traffic as for TCP traffic.
console(config)#access-list list1 permit udp
Step 3: Apply the Rule to Outbound (Egress) Traffic on Port 1/g2
Only traffic matching the criteria will be accepted.
console(config)#interface ethernet 1/g2
console(config-if-1/g2)#ip access-group list1 out
Configuring a MAC ACL
The following steps configure a MAC ACL that denies traffic with any MAC address access to hosts with
a MAC address of
00:11:22:33:XX:XX, where XX is any hexadecimal value (1-F). The log parameter
specifies that the system should keep track of the number of times the rule is applied to traffic that
meets the rule criteria. When a frame entering the port matches the rule, the rule
increments. Every five minutes the ACL application checks the counter. If the counter indicates that the
rule has been applied since the last time it was checked, the ACL application logs a message indicating
which rule was applied and how many times it was hit during that time period.
The rule is applied to interface 1/g5 in the inbound direction and has a priority value of 6 (the lower the
number, the higher the priority).
Step 1: Set up a MAC Access List
console(config)#mac access-list extended mac1
Step 2: Specify the MAC ACL Attributes
console(config-mac-access-list)#deny any 00:11:22:33:44:55 00:00:00:00:FF:FF log
Step 3: Configure a MAC Access Group
console(config)#interface ethernet 1/g5
console(config-if-1/g5)#mac access-group mac1 in 6