Frequently Asked Questions A-3
Where are alert events logged by the Dell Remote Assistant Server?
The events are logged into the Windows NT Application log on the management
station where the Dell Remote Assistant Server Service is running.
Why doesn’t the Dell OpenManage Remote Assistant console application con-
nect to PowerEdge servers 2100, 2200, 4100, and 4200 equipped with DRAC?
Check your modem settings. The baud rate should be 9600.
When I launch the Duralink web-based console application, why do I get the
error "Failed. OVwinitsession, error 17, permission denied"?
Modify the ovw.auth file in the conf directory under OpenView installation by
adding + next to the server name.
Why can’t I enter values in the dialog box for Put UPS to Sleep
functionality in
the APC PowerNet application?
The Put UPS to Sleep function is available only for a Universal Power Supply (UPS)
that has the SNMP adapter. It is not available for a UPS running the software agent.
Why does the HP OpenView NNM menu selection Fault->Test IP/TCP/SNMP
report “Error: Could not connect to port 23: connection refused.”
for Windows NT systems?
Port 23 is the port used for the TELNET service. TELNET is not installed on
Windows NT systems by default; therefore, a TELNET request will fail.