Indicates that a device can be connected to or disconnected from a computer
while the computer is running. After the hot-swappable device is connected
to the computer, the OS can immediately recognize and use the device.
Hour(s). A measurement of time that equals 60 min.
Hypertext Markup Language. A set of codes inserted into an Internet web page
intended for display on an Internet browser. The codes tell the browser how
to display the contents of the web page.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol. A protocol for exchanging files between
computers on the Internet. Each URL begins with http://.
Hertz. A measurement of frequency that equals 1 cycle per second.
Computers and electronic devices are often measured in kilohertz (kHz),
megahertz (MHz), gigahertz (GHz), or terahertz (THz).
Input/output. An operation or device that enters and/or extracts data from
the computer. For example, a keyboard is an input device, and a printer is an
output device.
I/O Address
An address in RAM that is associated with a specific device (such as a serial
port, parallel port, or expansion slot) and allows the microprocessor to
communicate with that device.
Industry Canada. The Canadian regulatory body responsible for regulating
emissions from electronic equipment, much as the FCC does in the United
States. IC polices the Canadian marketplace to ensure that equipment
manufactured in or imported into Canada meet the proper emissions limits.
Integrated circuit. A microelectronic semiconductor component consisting of
many interconnected transistors and other devices. Also called a chip.
Examples include the microprocessor, hard-drive controller, and RAM chips.