Product Information Guide 5
About This Guide
This document contains safety and regulatory information about your system.
Export Regulations
Customer acknowledges that these Products, which may include technology and software, are subject to the customs and export
control laws and regulations of the United States (“U.S.”) and may also be subject to the customs and export laws and regulations
of the country in which the Products are manufactured and/or received. Customer agrees to abide by those laws and regulations.
Further, under U.S. law, the Products may not be sold, leased or otherwise transferred to restricted end-users or to restricted
countries. In addition, the Products may not be sold, leased or otherwise transferred to, or utilized by an end-user engaged in
activities related to weapons of mass destruction, including without limitation, activities related to the design, development,
production or use of nuclear weapons, materials, or facilities, missiles or the support of missile projects, and chemical or biological
CAUTION: Safety Instructions
Use the following safety guidelines to help ensure your own personal safety and to help protect your system and working
environment from potential damage.
CAUTION: The power supplies in your system may produce high voltages and energy hazards, which can cause bodily harm.
Only trained service technicians are authorized to remove the covers and access any of the components inside the system. This
warning applies to servers and storage systems.
CAUTION: There is a danger of a new battery exploding if it is incorrectly installed. Replace the battery only with the same
or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. See "Battery Disposal."
CAUTION: This system may have more than one power supply cable. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, a trained
service technician may need to disconnect all power supply cables before servicing the system.
POZOR: Tento systém může mít více napájecích kabelů. Ke snížení rizika úrazu elektrickým proudem je
nutné, aby školený servisní technik před prováděním servisu systému odpojil všechny napájecí kabely.
FORSIGTIG: Dette system kan have mere end et strømforsyningskabel. For at reducere risikoen for elektrisk stød, bør en
professionel servicetekniker frakoble alle strømforsyningskabler, før systemet serviceres.
TÄRKEÄÄ: Tässä järjestelmässä voi olla useampi kuin yksi virtajohto. Sähköiskuvaaran pienentämiseksi ammattitaitoisen
huoltohenkilön on irrotettava kaikki virtajohdot ennen järjestelmän huoltamista.
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Данная система может иметь несколько кабелей электропитания. Во избежание
электрического удара квалифицированный техник должен отключить все кабели электропитания
прежде, чем приступить к обслуживанию системы.
OSTRZEIENIE: System ten może mieć więcej niż jeden kabel zasilania. Aby zmniejszyć ryzyko porażenia
prądem, przed naprawą lub konserwacją systemu wszystkie kable zasilania powinny być odłączone przez
przeszkolonego technika obsługi.
ADVARSEL! Det er mulig at dette systemet har mer enn én strømledning. Unngå fare for støt: En erfaren servicetekniker må
koble fra alle strømledninger før det utføres service på systemet.
VARNING: Detta system kan ha flera nätkablar. En behörig servicetekniker måste koppla loss alla nätkablar innan service
utförs för att minska risken för elektriska stötar.
book.book Page 5 Tuesday, January 9, 2007 11:43 AM