A list of physical disks is displayed. The status of the each disk is displayed under the heading State.
2. Press the down-arrow key to highlight a physical disk.
3. Press <F2> to display the menu of available actions.
4. Press the down-arrow key to highlight LED Blinking.
5. Press the right-arrow key to display the available actions, Start and Stop.
6. Select Start to begin LED blinking or Stop to end LED blinking.
Creating global hot spares
You can use a global hot spare to replace a failed physical disk in any redundant array as long as the
capacity of the global hot spare is equal to or larger than the coerced capacity of the failed physical disk.
Perform the following steps to create global hot spares:
1. Press the down-arrow key to highlight a physical disk to change to a global hot spare.
2. Press <F2> to display the menu of available actions.
3. Press the down-arrow key to highlight Make Global HS and press <Enter>.
The physical disk is changed to a global hot spare. The status of the physical disk as a global hot
spare is displayed under the heading State.
NOTE: To replace a failed physical disk global hot spares must use the same disk technology
and must be equal or greater in size.
NOTE: To change additional physical disks to global hot spares, follow step 1 to step 4.
Removing global or dedicated hot spares
You can remove one global or dedicated hot spare at a time on the PD Mgmt screen. Perform the
following steps to remove a global hot spare or dedicated hot spare:
1. Press <Ctrl> <N> to access the PD Mgmt screen.
A list of physical disks is displayed. The status of the each disk is displayed under the heading State.
2. Press the down-arrow key to highlight a physical disk that is a hot spare.
3. Press <F2> to display the menu of available actions.
4. Press the down-arrow key to select Remove Hot Spare from the list of actions and press <Enter>.
The physical disk is changed to the Ready state. The status of the physical disk is displayed under the
heading State.
NOTE: Try to use physical disks of the same capacity in a specific virtual disk. If you use physical
disks with different capacities in a virtual disk, all physical disks in the virtual disk are treated as if
they have the capacity of the smallest physical disk.
NOTE: To remove additional global or dedicated hot spares, follow step 1 to step 4.
Replacing an online physical disk
In addition to the automatic Replace Member operation, you can manually replace any physical disk that
is part of a virtual disk using the
Replace Member functionality.
Perform the following steps to replace a physical disk:
1. In the Virtual Disk Management window, select Virtual Disk # and press the down-arrow key until
Physical Disks is highlighted.
2. Press the right-arrow key to expand the list of physical disks that are members of the virtual disk.