FX 300 MS Training guide
Powers/Square Roots/Cube Root, nth roots
To square a number: Use the [x
] key
Example: [5] [x
] [=] 25
To cube a number: Use the [x
] key
Example: [3] [
] [=] 27
To raise a number to a power Use the [∧] key
(other than 2 or 3): Example: [2] [∧] [4] = 16
To find a square root: Use the [ ] key
Example: [
] [25] [=] 5
To find a cube root: Use the [
] key
Example: [SHIFT] [
] [27] [=] 3
To find a root Use the [
] key
(other than square or cube root): Example: [4] [SHIFT] [
] [81] = 3
To find a reciprocal: Use the [x
] key
Example: [5] [x
] [=] .2
Note: Press [a b/c] and the display will change to 1/5.
Probability Calculations/ Random Number/ Factorials
Permutations A permutation is a selection of objects in which the order of the
objects matters.
Example: To determine the possible number of different
arrangements using 4 items selected from 10 items.
[10] [SHIFT] [nPr] [4] [=] 5040
Combinations A combination is a selection of objects from a collection and order
is irrelevant.
Example: To determine the number of different combinations of 4
items selected from 10 items
[10] [nCr] [4] [=] 210
Factorials To calculate a factorial, use [SHIFT] [x!]
Random Number To generate a random number between 0 and 1,
press [SHIFT] [Ran#] [=]
References the Casio FX-300 MS User’s Guide Casio FX-300MS Scientific calculator