Chapter 3 Operating Principles | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
3-96 Revised March, 2012
2) Start motion card login operation. (SerialNo, Verifykey, Memory Read/Write all
require Check
Password Pass to operate).
Figure 3.130
Password item: Enter two sets of 1~8 bit 0~F hexadecimal values. Default motion
card passwords (Password1: FFFFFFFF Password2:FFFFFFFF).
Login item: Check password.
Status item: If password is correct then “Pass” is displayed in the status below. If
password is wrong, “Failed” appears in the status display.
3) Change motion card password:
Figure 3.131
Change Password item: Enter two sets of 1~8 bit 0~F hexadecimal values.
Repeat item: Enter the two sets of 1~8 bit 0~F hexadecimal values again.
(Same inputs as Change Password).
Change item: Click on Change button to change password. \
Status item: If the passwords entered in Change Password and Repeat are the
same then when the Change button is clicked, the password is successfully
changed and “Pass” appears in the status display. If the passwords entered in
Change Password and Repeat do not match, “Please rewrite it” appears in the
status display, in which case please try Change Password again.