WRVS4400N User Guide 2
How to Use this Guide
Getting Started
How to Use this Guide
This User Guide has been designed to make understanding networking with the camera easier
than ever. Look for the following items when reading this guide:
Document Style Conventions
The following style conventions are used in this document.
• Menus, Tabs, and Buttons: Bold type is used to indicate the name of a button, menu,
or tab in an application.
Example: Click Submit All Changes to save your entries.
• Screens, Page Areas, and Fields: Italic type is used to indicate the name of screens,
page areas, and fields.
Example: Scroll down to the PBX Parameters area of the screen.
• Data Input: The Courier font is used to indicate characters that you should type into
a field exactly as printed in this guide.
Example: In the Mailbox Subscribe Expires field, type 30.
In this example, you would type the number 30 in the field.
• Parameters: Angle brackets and italic type indicate parameters that you must replace
with the appropriate data.
Example: Type 800@<IP address of device>:5090
In this example, you would type the characters 800@, followed by the IP address of your
device, followed by a colon and the number 5090.
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WARNING: This graphic means there is a Warning and is
something that could damage your self, property, or the
NOTE: This checkmark means there is a Note of interest
and is something you should pay special attention to
while using the camera.
CAUTION: This exclamation point means that caution
should be used when performing a step or a serious error
may occur.