Multimedia Software for ATCA Release 1.0 Release Update, Rev 06 — January 23, 2008 11
Dialogic Corporation
2.Release Issues
The table below lists issues that can affect the hardware and software supported in the
Multimedia Platform for AdvancedTCA. The following information is provided for
each issue:
Issue Type
This classifies the type of release issue based on its effect on users and its
• Known – A minor hardware or software issue. This category includes
interoperability issues and compatibility issues. Known issues are still open but
may or may not be fixed in the future.
• Known (permanent) – A known hardware or software issue or limitation that will
not be fixed in the future.
• Resolved – A hardware or software issue that was resolved (usually either fixed or
documented) in this release.
Defect No.
A unique identification number that is used to track each issue reported via a formal
Change Control System. Additional information on defects may be available via the
Defect Query tool at http://membersresource.dialogic.com/search/defects (Note that
when you select this link, you will be asked to either LOGIN or JOIN.).
SU No.
For defects that were resolved in a Service Update, indicates the Service Update
number. For defects that were resolved when the base release was generally
available (before any Service Updates), a “--” is shown. For non-resolved issues, this
information is left blank.
Product or Component
The product or component to which the problem relates, for example, an API.
A summary description of the issue. For non-resolved issues, a workaround is
included when available.