
Global Call API Library Reference — November 2007 563
Dialogic Corporation
TLS engine configuration information — SIP_TLS_ENGINE
ENUM_TLS_METHOD_TLS_V1 – use TLS ver. 1 (Default value)
name of file containing TLS RSA private key of local certificate. File must be PEM (base64
encoded) X509 format, in plain text or encrypted. Default is NULL.
password string used to read TLS RSA private key of local certificate if it is encrypted. Default
name of file containing TLS RSA certificate representing local identity. File must be PEM
(base64 encoded) X509 format, in plain text. Default is NULL.
name of file containing TLS DSS private key of local certificate. File must be PEM (base64
encoded) X509 format, in plain text or encrypted. Default is NULL.
password string used to read TLS DSS private key of local certificate if it is encrypted. Default
name of file containing TLS DSS certificate representing local identity. File must be PEM
(base64 encoded) X509 format, in plain text. Default is NULL.
number of trusted certificates, which are usually root certificates. TLS engine can trust zero,
one, or more root certificates. Once an engine trusts a root certificate, it will approve all valid
certificates issued by that root certificate. Use this field to specify the number of trusted
certificates in the ca_cert_filename array. This field must be configured when operating as a
TLS client. Default value is 0.
array of filenames for trusted certificates. Files must be PEM (base64 encoded) X509 format,
in plain text. The size of the array is specified by ca_cert_number. This array must be
configured when operating as a TLS client. Default is NULL.
number of chained certificates. An engine may hold a certificate that is not issued directly by a
root certificate, but rather by a certificate authority delegated by that root certificate. To add
one or more intermediate certificate to the chain of certificates that the engine will present
during a handshake, use this field to specify the number of chained certificates in the
chain_cert_filename array. This field is optional, but is commonly needed when operating as a
TLS server and may also be needed for a TLS client if mutual authentication is being used.
Default value is 0.
array of filenames for chained certificates. Files must be PEM (base64 encoded) X509 format,
in plain text. The size of the array is specified by chain_cert_number. This array is optional,
but is commonly needed when operating as a TLS server and may also be needed for a TLS
client if mutual authentication is being used. Default is NULL.