
© 2006 Directed Electronics
TThhee iiggnniittiioonn ccoommeess oonn,, bbuutt tthhee ssttaarrtteerr wwiillll nnoott ccrraannkk..
Does it start with the key in the ignition? If so, does the
vehicle have an engine immobilizer?
Will it start with the brake pedal depressed? (Make sure to
disconnect the brake shutdown when performing this test.)
If so, it may have a brake/starter interlock.
Is the correct starter wire being energized? Check by ener-
gizing it yourself with a fused test lead.
TThhee ssttaarrtteerr ccrraannkkss ffoorr 11 oorr 22--sseeccoonnddss bbuutt ddooeess nnoott ssttaarrtt..
Either the wrong ignition wire is being energized, the system’s
ignition and accessory wires have been connected backwards,
or the vehicle has two ignition circuits. Try activating the unit
with the ignition key in the “run” position. If the vehicle then
runs normally, retest your ignition system.
TThhee ssttaarrtteerr ccoonnttiinnuueess ttoo ccrraannkk eevveenn tthhoouugghh tthhee eennggiinnee hhaass
Has the tach wire been learned? See the Tach Learning
section of this guide.
Is the tach wire receiving the correct information? Either the
wrong tach wire has been used, or a bad connection exists.
Verify that all of the heavy gauge wires are plugged into the
correct tabs on the control unit. If they are incorrectly
connected, the starter could stay engaged.