pray Volume
round Application
• Water as Diluent: Use a minimum of 2 gallons of water
per acre.
Air Application
• Water as Diluent: Use a minimum of 2 gallons of water
per acre.
• Oil as Diluent: Use a minimum of 1 quart of oil per acre.
When using oil as a diluent, the oil concentrate must
contain either a petroleum or vegetable oil base and must
meet all of the following criteria:
- Be nonphytotoxic
- Contain only EPA-exempt ingredients
- Provide good mixing quality in the jar test
- Be successful in local experience
The exact composition of suitable products will vary,
however, vegetable and petroleum oil concentrates should
contain emulsifiers to provide good mixing quality. If the
oil does not contain an emulsifier, one must be added during
mixing at a volume equal to 3% of the final volume of the
mixing tank. Do not apply DuPont™ MEPEX® GIN
OUT™ in a ULV treatment without using emulsifiers.
Highly refined vegetable oils have proven more satisfactory
than unrefined vegetable oils. For additional information,
Compatibility Test for Mix Components.
Variable Rate Application
MEPEX® GIN OUT™ is recommended for use in variable
rate applications to address site-specific or localized needs
within individual fields. Timing, rate, and spray volume
used in variable rate applications must fall within the ranges
specified in other portions of this label. All restrictions and
precautions on this label also apply to variable rate
applications. In applications where rate variation is
achieved by adjusting spray volume, particular care must be
taken to ensure that thorough coverage of cotton plants is
ed and spra
y drift is minimiz
If rain is expected within 4 hours, use a high-quality EPA-
empt surfactant to make MEPEX® GIN OUT™ rain-safe
after 1-2 hour
Compatibility T
est for Mix Components
Add components in the following sequence using 2 teaspoons
for each pound or 1 teaspoon for each pint of recommended
label rate per acre.
1) W
or 20 gallons per acre spray volume, use 3.3 cups
(800 ml) of water. For other spray volumes, adjust rates
accordingly. Use only water from the intended source at the
source temperature.
2) Products in PV
A Bags
p the jar and invert 10 cycles.
Water-Dispersible Products (dry flowables, wettable
powders, suspension concentrates, or suspo-emulsions): Cap
the jar and invert 10 cycles.
4) Water-Soluble Products (such as MEPEX® GIN OUT™):
Cap the jar and invert 10 cycles.
5) Emulsifiable Concentrates (Oil concentrates): Cap the jar
and invert 10 cycles.
Water-Soluble Additives: Cap the jar and invert 10 cycles.
et the solution stand for 15 minutes.
Evaluate the solution for uniformity and stability. The spray
olution should not have free oil on the surface, nor fine particles
that precipitate to the bottom, nor thick (clabbered) texture. Do
not use any spray solution that could clog spray nozzles.
1) Water: Begin by agitating a thoroughly clean sprayer tank
half full of clean water.
Products in PVA Bags: Rinse the tank thoroughly before
adding any material in PVA bags as boron residue will
prevent adequate mixing. Place the water-soluble PVA bag
into the mixing tank. The water-soluble PVA bag will
dissolve in water to allow the contents to disperse. Wait
until all water-soluble PVA bags have fully dissolved and
the plant regulator is evenly mixed in the spray tank before
continuing. To prepare spray solution for aerial application,
use a mixing tank or mixing vat first to get the product into
suspension before transferring suspension to air application
Water-Dispersible Products: (dry flowables, wettable
powders, suspension concentrates, or suspo-emulsions).
Water-Soluble Products (MEPEX® GIN OUT™)
Emulsifiable Concentrates
6) Remaining Quantity of Water
Only moderate agitation should be used while mixing and
MEPEX® GIN OUT™ has an aqueous base, and as such, is
compatible with most insecticides and miticides. You may
combine MEPEX® GIN OUT™ with foliar fertilizers if prior
experience has shown MEPEX® GIN OUT™ to be compatible
and noninjurious under your conditions. Always perform the
Compatibility Test for Mix Components before preparing a
tank mix application.
Read and follow the applicable Restrictions and Limitations
and Directions for Use on all products involved in tank mixing.
The most restrictive labeling applies to tank mixes.