The display will show the starting hour
menu to go to the next parameter
key to set hour setting.key
key to change minutes.key
menu to save changes and go to
the next parameter: fi lter cycle
Setting fi lter cycle frequency
cycles that the system will perfom
Enter option on screen Enter
menu to save changes and go to
back to spa options main menu.
Setting Economy start time
menu to save changes and go to
economy cycle start hour.
key to set hour setting.key
Left key to access minutes Left
menu to save changes and go to the
next parameter stop economy.
Setting Economy stop time
key to set hour setting.key
Enter option on screen Enter
menu to save changes and go to back
This menu allows you to activate/
deactivate or simply reset the
maintenance reminder prompts.
Next arrow on screen menu Next
to save changes and go to next menu
The reminder icon will show up
to prompt you to review active
Resetting prompt messages
one by one all active maintenance
Enter option on screen Enter
menu to reset message and view next
task or go back to main menu.
active warning messages ie:. hot water.
The warning icon icon shows up to
prompt you to review active warning
ight keys to review all ight
This sub-menu is used to set keypad
display settings such as: contrast,
Right keys to adjust Right
desired level of contrast.
Next arrow on display to Next
save changes and go to next
Right keys to adjust Right
Next arrow on display to Next
save changes and go to next
deactivate reverse display.
Next arrow on display to Next
save changes and go to next
isplay orientation (inverting)
deactivate reverse display.
Enter option on screen Enter
This sub-menu is used to set keypad
audible options setting such as:
keypad on (key beep) and alarm
deactivate reverse display.
save changes and go to next
Next arrow on display to Next
save changes and go to next
Setting regional settings
This sub-menu is used to set keypad
regional settings such as: language,
select temperature display units and
choose a format for time display.
Français Spanish & Deutsch
Next arrow on display to Next
save changes and go to next
Water temperature can be displayed
Next arrow on display to Next
save changes and go to next
Next arrow on display to Next
save changes and go back to keypad
Partial keypad lock: basic functions
of the spa remain accessible (pump
and light outputs) but it's impossible
to change the temperature Set Point,
or to enter Programming mode. Full
lock: all keys are disabled. When the
keypad is locked, the icon will be
Enter option on screen Enter
menu to back to keypad main menu.
menu to back to keypad main menu.
To unlock the keypad, press
Light key for 5 seconds.Light
keypad is locked, the icon will be
k to reset back to default k
Viewing information about
oftware ID number and version
Upgrading keypad software
key to start the upgrade of
Ok key to start the upgrade of Ok
the software of the keypad.
Enter option on screen Enter
menu to back to keypad main menu
Viewing information about
iew spa equipment data such as:
system, heater and keypad software
version, to reset programmed settings
and to upgrade keypad software.
To program the fi lter cycle, you must
enter these parameters: start time,
duration and frequency. During a
fi lter cycle, pumps run for one minute
to purge the plumbing, then Pump
1 runs for the programmed number
key to enable the economy
mode, the display will show
mode, the display will show
) key to set hour setting.) key
) keyto set minutes.) key
Enter option on screen Enter