Network Shutdown Module V3 – User Manual - 34 003 934 XU / AE Page 42/65
z The following exclusive options define the installation / uninstallation mode :
-install (with additional options if necessary)
-uninstall (with additional options if necessary)
z Additional options :
-silent Runs the installer without user interactions
-installPath <InstallPath> Provides the installation path as parameter
-debug Starts installer in debug mode
-agentName Provides the Card/proxy IP name as parameter
-help For the complete list of options
7.6 Single UPS Shutdown Sequence
Typical example of the backup time provided by a UPS connected to Network Management Card:
As soon as it detects the loss of AC power, the Mgt. Card notifies the Network
Shutdown Modules that the system is running on battery power.
The Mgt. Card then continuously monitors the criteria set to trip the shutdown
procedure. The procedure is launched if:
1. the shutdown time delay (*) (in seconds), started when the loss of AC power
occurred, expires.
2. the UPS battery level drops below (*) a threshold expressed in %.
3. the UPS backup time drops below (*) a threshold expressed in seconds.
4. the UPS backup time reaches the maximum value of the "shutdown duration"
The Mgt. card centralizes the "shutdown duration" parameters for all the protected
computers (machines hosting Network Shutdown Module).
This fourth tripping criterion is implicit.
The Mgt. Card launches the shutdown procedure:
The Mgt. Card sends to all the Network Shutdown Modules the system shutdown order.
As a result, each Network Shutdown Module proceeds with shutdown of its system.
Once all the computers have been shut down, the UPS shuts off (interrupts the supply
of power to the loads) to protect the battery.
Note. This function is not authorized on some UPSs.
Once the utility is restored, the UPS restarts all computers (if shut off the UPS output is
a function available).
The diagrams below present the sequence.