Page 16 of 28 RD0169 (A) KF730 & SB730 OWNER’S MANUAL
For a given quantity of SB730:
Max quantity KF730 = 18 - (1.5 x quantity SB730)
Example, given five SB730:
18 - (1.5 x 5) = 10.5 which rounds down to a maximum quantity 10 KF730s
For a given quantity of KF730:
Maximum quantity SB730 = (18 - quantity KF730) / 1.5
Example, given eight KF730:
(18 - 8) / 1.5 = 6.667 which rounds down to maximum quantity 6 SB730s
WARNING: It is the responsibility of the user to ensure the attachment to the Fly-Bar, the rigging
method, and attachment to structure are determined by a certified professional who is qualified to
determine the requirements for and to implement overhead rigging.
6.3.1 Attachment to the Fly-Bar
The KF730 Fly-Bar design permits several methods of attachment.
1. Center Holes:
• Use one of these holes for single point attachment, the particular hole being dictated by
the KF730 Wizard to result in the correct array tilt angle.
• Use one hole in the rear and one in the front for bridling to a single point.
• Use one hole in the rear and one in the front to attach two chain motors.
2. Corner Hoisting Points:
Use each side-to-side pair to bridle to single points for attaching two chain motors.
6.3.2 Rigging Methods
The two recommended rigging methods are:
1. Employ one chain motor, attached to particular Center Hole dictated by the KF730 Wizard
• This will automatically result in the correct array tilt angle when all enclosures are flown.
• One motor may be easier to deploy than two.
2. Employ two chain motors, one attached to the front of the Fly-Bar and the second to the rear.
• The attachment can be to the Center Holes or the Corner Hoisting Points.
• The array will be easier to assemble because it allows tilting the enclosures already
suspended to better match the angle of the next enclosure to be attached.
• Once assembled, the overall tilt angle for the array can be easily adjusted.
6.4.1 Splay Angles
The splay angles required between each enclosure to achieve the desired array curvature are set
by the integral rigging hardware. The hardware consists of square Hinge Tubes each with a
sliding Hinge on each corner of the enclosure.
6.4.2 Basic Attachment Procedure
Slide all four captive Hinges on one enclosure into the Hinge Tubes of the vertically adjacent
enclosure or Fly-Bar. Connect the Hinges to the Hinge tubes using the supplied Quick Release
Pins. Insert each Pin by pushing the button on its handle and passing the shaft through a hole in
each Hinge and holes on both sides of each Hinge tube. If properly inserted, a Quick Release Pin
will be locked in place and can only be pulled out by pressing the button on its handle.