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EAW products are continually improved. All specifications are therefore subject to change without notice. KF750F/2 pp October 2001 Printed in USA
The KF750F 3-way tri-amplified full range system contains
many new EAW technologies that make it a powerful concert
touring sound reinforcement tool. Its Acoustic Singularity™
design aligns the three subsystems along a single axis so the
KF750 acts as a true point source, greatly reducing temporal
smearing of transient events and improving overall clarity and
Since the large mid frequency horn contains both the high
and low frequency subsystems, the overall package is just
31-in high. Still, the KF750F provides consistent wideband
pattern control in both the vertical and horizontal planes.
The LF subsystem includes two vented 12-in woofers mount-
ed in the MF horn’s upper and lower walls. This spaced con-
figuration extends vertical directivity well into the LF pass-
band to minimize midbass build up below the array.
The large MF horn loads a specially designed 10-in midrange
cone whose geometry exactly matches the rear of its phase
plug assembly. By developing the driver and phase plug as a
single unit, pathlength discontinuities within the MF pass-
band have been eliminated without compromising the direc-
tional qualities of the source.
The 2-in exit/4-in voice coil HF compression driver is mount-
ed on a 35° x 35° constant directivity horn mounted coaxial-
ly within the MF horn flare.
The KF750F’s 15°-per-side trapezoidal enclosure features
eight 4-position flytracks (four each front and rear) that
accept industry-standard flyclips.
The KF750F is designed to create arrays with optimized cov-
erage in both the horizontal and vertical planes to cover audi-
ence areas ranging from 200 to 80,000 people.
At just 31-in tall and 190 lb. per module, KF750F arrays are
smaller, lighter, more efficient and, therefore, more powerful
than those built with other systems. These smaller, lighter
arrays are easier to fly, require less truck space and permit
more open sight lines to cover any given venue.
The KF750F works with a companion downfill module, the
KF755F, to provide full range nearfield coverage below the
array. The KF750F’s smooth power response produces remark-
ably even SPL levels throughout the coverage area, allowing
it to be used for nearfield coverage when necessary.
Applications include:
Concert Tours Performing Arts Centers
Houses of Worship Theaters
Frequency Response (Hz)
±3 db 48 Hz to 18 kHz
-10 dB 30 Hz
Axial Sensitivity (dB SPL, 1 Watt @ 1m)
LF 103
MF 109
HF 116
Impedance (Ohms)
LF 2x 8
MF 8
HF 8
Power Handling, (Watts Continuous)
LF 2x 600
MF 400
HF 200
Recommended High-Pass Frequency
24 dB/Octave 35 Hz
Calculated Maximum Output (dB SPL @ 1m)
LF Peak/Long Term 139/133
MF Peak/Long Term 141/135
HF Peak/Long Term 145/139
Nominal Coverage Angles, -6 dB points (degrees)
Horizontal 35
Vertical 35
Configuration 3-way, full range
Powering Tri-amplified
LF Subsystem 2x 12-in cones, vented
MF Subsystem 10-in cone, Radial Phase Plug™
HF Subsystem 2-in exit/4-in voice coil
compression driver on CD horn